



A. for “abyss”. It is the title chosen by AimA for our first release.
Oxyuranus does not title its own compositions because the act at the basis of the creative / ritual process blames any form of convention. The titles are assigned to the compositions only at the end of the rite and suggest, in a second register, a possible practicable path. Oxyuranus is not a nostalgic project that is “inspired by”, it does not have a conventional language and it does not borrow concepts, quotes or practices from human knowledge. Oxyuranus is transformation.

A. for “artwork”. Each release of Oxyuranus is accompanied by a single artwork that is always different. What is represented there is of no particular importance and is not directly connected to the music-ritual process. It is rather to be read as spontaneous act and a gift, a postcard from an intermediate elsewhere, realized in the return.


C. for “CDr / Cassette”. These is the media chosen for the releases. It allows us to store and distribute the compositions independently. It does not represent a unique choice, in the return everything is allowed. Oxyuranus does not assign any meaning to what concerns its manifestation and sharing; this concerns a second register totally independent from the separation practices implemented in the realization of the compositions.


G. for “green”. Ambivalent color, both of the regenerative process that guarantees immortality, and of the intermediate stage of the disease which, through death, favors transformation.


L. for “logo”. Oxyuranus does not need or possess any distinctive sign. Only in a second register, the Oxyuranus logo represents an upward-facing triangle with the structure of a neurotoxin inside. Where the triangle represents a passage, the poison within it arises as an impediment or possibility.


O. for “opus”. By this term we refer generically to all the practices of dismemberment, mimesis, communion and invocation / song put in place during the journey.

O. for “Oxyuranus”. This is the name of a genus of snakes from the elapid family. The meeting and interaction with this animal at a friend’s house, together with the serious risk of being bitten by distraction and lightness, has generated a natural reflection on the thresholds that separate our world from the other, triggering a dramatic suspension of perception and a darkening of cognitive processes. The intense black that characterizes the head and the inside of the animal’s mouth is at the same time a metaphor for the cycle of death and rebirth and its opponent.


R. for “red”. Filter applied to photographs, color of blood and vitality, of violence and fire. It embodies the ambivalence of the concepts of generation and destruction in their most dynamic and violent meaning.


T. for “temple”. A place of passage and communion between initiates, a primitive workshop of decomposition and contemplation. Visiting the temple is an invitation to everyone and learning its mysteries is a natural consequence of attending it.


W. for “white”. Color of suspension and absence, of light and purity. A dynamism of candor and ferocity distinguishes this color; it is light that gives sight and at the same time blinds, it is shining vitality and at the same time bones and death.